Well it is two weeks and counting until I fly from Alaska to Maine to begin this adventure. I fly to Portland, Maine on May 27th, work on getting my bike ready on the 28 and 29th and “If the Good Lord willing, and the creek don’t rise,” I will start pedaling on May 29th! I have been riding as much as I can on the trails here in Anchorage, but still don’t feel 100% ready to pedal 50 miles day in and day out.  I keep making minor adjustments to my Atlantis, adjusting the height of my Jones’s H-Bar, installing the rear rack and Ortlieb rear panniers.  I rode 50+ miles last Saturday with 15 pounds of sugar in each rear pannier and wasn’t totally “out of it” by the time I got home.  My goal is to average 50 miles a day, so that in 75 days I will have covered approximately 3,750 miles.  Weather and terrain will determine how far I travel each day.

I will put my training rides on hold for the next three days because Anita and I are flying to Tucson.  Our granddaughter Olivia is being inducted into the National Honor Society and we want to be with her for her special day.  I get back to Anchorage on Thursday, May 16 and it will be “Ride, pack, ride, sort, and pack some more!”  My only real issue so far is this blog and getting pictures optimized so as to to fit the format require to post on the web.  I have to figure this out before next week or this is going to be very boring blog.

Take care and I will begin seriously posing upon my return from Tucson.