I stated in my last post that I would describe the most fantastic day of my Journey so far in this edition. Well, my unbelievable son Jeremy, gave up family time and vacation days, so he could fly to Detroit, drive to Port Huron and meet me for three days of bicycle touring. Words cannot begin to describe my emotions when we started pedaling west from Port Huron last Tuesday morning. We last cycled together back in 1994, he was only 14 at the time, when we rode our bicycles from Seattle, Washington to Albuquerque, New Mexico. I will never forget the look of joy on his face when we pulled onto Doe Lane and saw Nano, my Mom, waiting for us in front of her house. Anyway, as with all parents, Anita and I dreamed that our kids, Michelle and Jeremy, would grow and mature into loving, caring, successful and thoughtful parents themselves. Michelle and Jeremy, have exceeded our hopes and dreams. Oh how blessed Anita and I are that our dreams have come true.

Jeremy and I were able to ride together from Port Huron to Grand Rapids, Michigan. We pedaled along with Jeremy in the lead and me tucked in behind him. (Drafting really does make a huge difference.) We shared memories of our last tour, dodged all kinds of “road kills,” waved at the ever present grandpa’s on their riding lawnmowers, scanned the road ahead for broken glass, looked sadly at flooded fields planted with corn that should be at least “knee high by the 4th of July,” and created new memories on our new journey! The first two days were filled with sunshine, awesome trails, magnificent scenery and Ms. Catherine’s St. John’s Motel!

Ms. Catherine’s establishment is a throw back to the Route 66 motels of the 50’s and 60’s. Every square inch of space in each room was filled with snowmen, heart shaped shelves, Christmas decorations, flower print pillows galore, stuffed “animals,” placards with biblical quotes, and a gorgeous red Christmas sweater. Jeremy would have loved to have brought home the sweater for an “Ugly sweater Christmas party,” but no room in his panniers. I think Ms. Catherine collected her treasures over a life time of estate and garage sales. With all her “finds” she quickly ran out of room in her own home, so she bought a 12 room motel in order to display her treasures. At one point, Jeremy who is 5’ 11” attempted to walk into the extremely tiny bathroom. Luckily he ducked his head at the last moment or he would have had a sore forehead.  Low ceilings, creaking floors, air conditioners that sounded like jet engines, and shower stalls that brought back memories of The Bates’ Motel and Norman! When I manually filled out the registration book, Ms. Catherine asked if we could pay cash since her credit card machine had not worked for some time. “No problem, and if we don’t have enough cash between us right now, we’ll find an ATM,” I said. “Oh, just stop by before you leave and settle up your bill,” she cheerfully replied. I asked about room keys, but she said, “Oh, we don’t lock the rooms, but the keys are in the room somewhere.”  I never found a key in my room. She gave us the WiFi password, but it was so slow I could not open my Gmail page, LOL. I am sure Ms. Catherine is the owner, manager, housekeeper, maintenance person and interior designer of the motel, even though there was a Mister on a handwritten note of phone numbers taped to the front door.  She told me she was battling cancer and the subsequent side effects, but she was not going to let cancer prevent her holding on to her dream of owning and operating her beloved St. John’s Motel. Jeremy and I will both long remember our night at Ms. Catherine’s St. John’s Motel.

Our last day of riding proved to be a memorable, wet and soggy experience. Rain, rain and more rain stayed with us for the first five hours. A generous grocery store clerk gave us plastic bags for our feet which turned out useless, but was a thoughtful gesture. I placed quart size Ziplock bags over my gloves, we both donned our rain jackets, smiled at each other and started pedaling west. As you can see from the above photo, the State of Michigan provided us with a fabulous, hard packed gravel bicycle trail which was many years ago a railway.  We tried to avoid the puddles for awhile, but eventually just enjoyed splashing each other by hitting the bigger puddles. At the end of our last day we both agreed that our rainy day just added one more fabulous memory to our shared bicycle journey. On Friday Jeremy loaded his bicycle and gear into a rental car, I loaded up my bicycle for another day of riding, and then we hugged each other for what seemed like forever.  I have to admit that as I watched him drive away back to Detroit, tears of joy and pride filled my eyes. At one point as we pedaled along I tried to express to Jeremy how thankful I was that he would give up so much just to spend time with me. He replied, “I know a man who has done the same thing many times.” Never have I been so proud to be a Dad!  One last comment about Jeremy’s visit and then I will stop babbling. I can’t tell Brittany, Jeremy’s wife, how much I love her and appreciate the sacrifices she lovingly accepted so that Jeremy could spend time with me. We are so blessed that Brittany entered our lives as the loving life partner of Jeremy and mother of Jack, Sadie Lynn and Nathan. (She even agreed to add a new puppy to her already over flowing household.)

Goodbye Michigan and Hello Wisconsin. I cheated today and racked up 86 miles traveling across Lake Michigan via the high speed Lake Express ferry. Cheers and I will never get tired of reading your comments to my posts. Thank you and Happy June Solstice!
