I-94 or County Road 39 from Jamestown to Steele, ND? As I ate a delicious slice of homemade banana bread, plus my usual of hard boiled eggs, cereal, juice and coffee I pondered which highway to ride the 65 miles to Steele. I chose “Big boy highway” over rural farm road with the potential of encountering over protective farm dogs. Also, if I got “smooched” by a big truck I would never know what hit me and depart doing what I enjoy. On the other hand, I would probably survive a dog encounter, but the bite would be painful, the recovery long and painful, and my journey would be over.  So I-94 was the choice!

ND is FLAT, but for a biker that is a good thing. In the above photo, looking East, you can just make out I-94 which was my highway of choice for today.  When I stopped to take this photo I noticed my Garmin 520 cycle computer indicated an altitude of almost 1,900 feet. With a slight tailwind and temperatures in the low 80’s I barely noticed the climb. (Or it might be that after almost 2,000 miles my quads are a bit stronger than a month ago.)

At one point I came upon a herd of cattle just standing still, eating grass and looking totally bored with life. For some reason I hit play on my iPhone and the song “Knee Deep” by the Zack Brown band started playing. Believe it or not, the cows immediately looked up, started wildly swinging their tails and I am sure I saw a few trying to dance. I slowed down to observe them more closely and I truly believe hearing Zack’s “Knee Deep” brought some joy to my new bovine friends. I gave them a loud “Moo” and got back to pedaling. Crazy, but true story.  (If you have not heard “Knee Deep” or “Toes” by Zack Brown, find the songs on iTunes and enjoy.  I promise will see why ND cows love to hear a bit of rock n roll as they munch and crunch.)

One huge benefit of riding I-94 is the beautiful rest stops! Highway developers place the rest stops about 30-40 miles apart, which is super for travel by car, but for a biker that is about one rest stop per DAY. The above was at about mile 45, so a perfect place for me to visit with fellow travelers, eat a snack and drink a bottle of water.

At mile 63 I came upon this gorgeous view! I have no idea what the yellow crop is, but it is the first time I have seen anything as pretty as the above. (The flowers were not sunflowers, but someone reading this post will hopefully know what grows in ND and is yellow.)

Short post today, but “Have WiFi, will post!” (Anyone remember the below TV show?)

Bismark, ND tomorrow!
