Niagara Falls from the Canadian side! Yes, I made it to Canada and as you can see from my map, I changed my route! The main reason for changing is for the scenic beauty of Canada versus the traffic congestion around Cleveland! So, westward I go.

No Guardian Angel stories this go around because it was mostly Snowstorm and myself on the quiet, serene Erie Canal Heritage trail. I did encounter the following people and would like to share a bit on each.

Brockport Police officer Elliott: Trail construction presented numerous detours and at one point I found myself approaching one of Brockport’s finest. I have never had a lot of contact with police officers, but Elliot’s “look” and mannerisms reminded me of my good friend Ken Hopkins. Ken and I worked together for years in Whittier and through him I learned first hand about the life of a police officer. Under the gruff police officer exterior lies a humble, caring, highly intelligent and gentle individual. After officer Elliott heard my story, he was ready to do anything to assist. He even said he would get his best buddy out of bed to open his bicycle shop if I needed any bike help. As with 99.9% of all police officers, Elliott probably just wants to assist, serve and make their community feel safe! Thanks to Ken Hopkins, I see police officers in a totally different light.

Debbie: I was standing in the same parking lot drinking my new “Go to” beverage, chocolate milk, when a lady approached me. She had seen my photo of OMJSN on my bicycle and asked about my Journey. I briefly told her about my journey and about my little Guardian Angels. After listening to my story, for the next twenty minutes Debbie told me she was moving to Tennessee, leaving her Mom for the first time ever and was worried about her decision. I just drank my chocolate milk and listened as she talked about the pros and cons of moving. After the twenty minutes Debbie looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, “I think I was suppose to meet you today. For some reason I now know I am making the right decision. Thank you for listening to a perfect stranger!” She gave me a hug, got into her car, waved and drove off to tell her Mom of her decision!  The power of just listening is awesome.

Canadian Custom’s office Bradley: The Lewiston-Queenston Bridge is one of the busiest border crossing areas in Ontario. Bicyclists are expected to ride across the bridge with semi trucks, cars and motor homes. The day I crossed there were at least ten inspections stations with 5-10 vehicles per station. When I got to the booth, Bradley asked the usual questions, scanned my passport and then noticed I was on a bicycle. His “Inspector personality” did a complete reversal. Even with ten cars behind me he took time to ask about my Journey, made sure I knew how to change currency, inquired about my bicycle equipment and then left his booth to show me the right way to get to Niagara Highway and Niagara River trail. Bradley made sure I would enjoy the Canadian part of my journey. My thanks to officer Bradley and his willingness to make my journey successful.

Thanks again to all for commenting and sharing on this blog. The above photo was on my ride today, The Friendship Trail, between Fort Erie and Danville, Ontario.  Flowers, farmland and absolutely not another human or animal for 28 miles. Gorgeous!
