Alaska Spring Training

After returning from Boston, our son-in-law Jason ran the Boston Marathon, I decided to get really serious about my upcoming bicycle journey.  We landed in Anchorage last Friday afternoon, and it has snowed everyday since last Friday.  In addition to the snow, temperatures dropped into the low 30’s at night and barely into the 40’s during the day.  We all enjoyed the clear skies, warmer sunshine and longer days in March and early April, and we all thought maybe spring had arrived early in 2019.  Mother Nature decided to show us all that She calls the “shots” when it comes to weather.

On Saturday afternoon I dressed in layers, added a warm knit hat under my helmet, wore warmer gloves and thicker socks for my expected 25 mile ride along Chester and Campbell creek trails.  I took the above photo near Lake Otis and Tudor and the trail became even more snow packed after this photo.  I was able to stay on my Rivendell Atlantis most of the time, but resorted to walking for about 500 yards.  We have lived in Alaska for almost 45 years, including years teaching on the North Slope where temperatures can be brutal!  I have run, biked and skied in weather much worse than Saturday, so I figured No Worries. At mile 22 my hands were so cold I could barely operate my Paul Thumbie shift levers and my feet were blocks of ice! I finally called it quits and called my lovely bride, who was busy at home preparing food and goodies our Easter festivities, and asked for a ride home. As always, Anita greeted me with a smile, a hug and said, “Well you made it 22 miles and that is awesome in these conditions!”  Oh the joys of a loving wife of almost 50 years and “Springtime in Alaska!”